Cage Fighter
Cage Fighter
Cage Fighter

Cage Fighter

The Puzzle Room Cannock

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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6 CAGES - 6 PUZZLES - 1 WINNER!! Looking for an adrenaline-fueled challenge that will test your wits, your speed, and your survival skills? Look no further than "Cage Fighter," In "Cage Fighter," you and up to seven other players will be locked in individual cages, each with its own unique set of challenges to overcome. With heavy drum and bass beats pounding in the background and flashing lights creating a real sense of tension and urgency, you'll have to rely on your instincts and your ability to think on your feet if you want to be the first one out and claim the title of "Cage Fighter" champion.

  • 2-8
  • 60 mins